Orders above US$130 after discounts will receive FREE shipping anywhere. Once we have received your payment, your order will usually be dispatched within 24 hours and you will receive an email confirmation once it ships. If you have not received your order after 15 business days please contact us.
Please note that a signature is required for delivery. We suggest having your parcel shipped to your workplace if no one is home during the day to sign for your delivery.
You should receive your order within 5 to 21 days, depending on the destination. Please see the detailed delivery time when checking out after you have completed your shopping.
(Time days: working days, exluding local and Hong Kong holidays)
Please note that we do not deliver to certain destinations. For details, contact us using the contact form or send us an e-mail at: info@soldbysol.com .
In most of the countries where we deliver, no additional VAT or other taxes are charged on the delivery. However, if such additional charges apply, the customer is fully responsible for them.